Sunday, March 8, 2009


There are so many incredible, inspiring artists who produce work every day. Not me. I'm generally lazy and uninspiring. But I thought I'd share the few sketches I did today of my captive subject matter by the fireplace.

Amie Roman as burnishings on Flickr
Amie Roman as burnishings on Flickr
Amie Roman as burnishings on Flickr
Amie Roman as burnishings on Flickr
After his long, tiring session as model, Murri curled up in his blanket nest on the couch to recouperate.

Amie Roman as burnishings on Flickr


Michelle Turbide, an artist on a soul journey said...

Looks like Murri earns his/her keep! very sweet.

Robyn Sinclair said...

Excellent cat sketches, Amie. It's the quality not the quantity that counts :)

Tracey said...

Murray is such a great subject, love all the stripes. Totally agree, quality not quantity & you totally captured his sleepy cattitude, I can hear the purr ;)